Resources by Topic
Ngā Rauemi ā-kaupapa
Resources collated to support the five areas of action in the Eco Church NZ self-assessment worksheet.
We’re updating these resources regularly with new information. If you have any suggestions for resources that we could include, please get in touch with us.
Leadership, Worship and Teaching
Te Hautūtanga, te Korōria ki te Atua, me te Whakaako
Church Buildings and Facilities
Ngā Whare Karakia me ngā Rawa
Church Land and Grounds
Te Whenua o ngā Hāhi
Community and Global Engagement
Te Kōtuitui Hapori, te Kōtuitui o te Ao
Sustainable Living
Te Noho Toitū
DISCLAIMER: Any third-party contractors, advisors, service providers or businesses listed on these Resources By Topic links are for information only. A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand and Eco Church NZ do not endorse or warranty the performance of these third-parties. Please ensure you do your own due diligence and research for the latest information.