Global Campaigns
“Today, however, we have to realize that a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”
Churches can take action to care for creation locally, but they can also get involved in global campaigns to make a collective impact on a larger scale. Climate change and global inequality are inextricably linked. Climate change hits people living in poverty first and worst, and inevitably widens the gulf between rich and poor, creating a vicious cycle.
Below are some global campaigns that churches can participate in to show their care for this earth and all that is in it.
Tearfund Rubbish Campaign
Tearfund’s Rubbish Campaign is about tackling waste to address poverty and injustice issues. Since May 2019, tens of thousands of people have joined Tearfund’s Rubbish petition to call on Coca-Cola, Nestlé, PepsiCo and Unilever to take responsibility for their plastic pollution. Check out the Thank You video on their website that gives an update on this campaign. You can also view the resources used for the Rubbish Campaign and use them in your church.
Global Catholic Climate Movement
The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) was started in 2015 and was the result of two two transformative events in 2015: The Laudato Si’ encyclical release and the Paris Climate Agreement. The GCCM website is full of interesting resources, including many ideas to take action locally as part of a global movement.
Plastic Free July
Every year in July, thousands of people take part in the Plastic Free July challenge by choosing to refuse single use plastic. It happens here in Aotearoa New Zealand too. And churches have also come on board to be a part of this challenge. Here are some snippets of churches getting involved in this global campaign:
The Great Nurdle Hunt
The Great Nurdle Hunt is a project working to end nurdle pollution. The website provides the tools and information so that anyone can help build awareness and evidence on this issue. By working with individuals and organisations worldwide, the project highlights the extent of nurdle pollution and seeks to start conversations with industry and government, and work towards finding a solution.
A Rocha’s Marine Conservation Programme has the Plastics Toolbox to equip you to tackle plastics in your local community. A Rocha participates in the Great Nurdle Hunt and has some more detailed information about how to take part in the Great Nurdle Hunt.
Zero Food Waste Challenge
Zero Food Waste Challenge - The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste takes place in September each year. The Zero Food Waste Challenge will be coming to a classroom, staffroom, boardroom and kitchen near you in 2022.