St Matt’s Taitā ‘CaptureCreationComp’ inspires people of all ages to engage with God’s Creation in their neighbourhood

Holding a photo competition during the Season of Creation this year was a great way for St Matt’s Anglican Church in Taitā to encourage people to explore God’s Creation in their local neighbourhood with new eyes.

The ‘CaptureCreationComp’ ran through the Season of Creation. People in the church were invited to capture a part of creation in the local environment in whatever art form they chose. During the church’s regular care of the whenua monthly service on the last Sunday of the month, the church celebrated all the ways in which people captured creation in word and photo. They also planted a couple of grape vines and a few passionfruit as part of the celebration. Photos and poetry from the ‘CaptureCreationComp’ now fill a wall in the church providing a reminder of how people experienced and were inspired by the beauty of God’s Creation in their local neighbourhood.

St Matt’s co-missioner Maria Kirkland describes how the idea emerged: “The idea for the CaptureCreationComp came out of a discussion with one of our six year olds and it developed from there. It was a really fun activity! People of all ages got involved and we now have a wall of artwork in our hall space to remember and celebrate it by.”


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