Register your denominational unit
If you are a denominational body like a diocese, synod, presbytery, regional network, national body, ministry etc. there is also a place for you in the Eco Church NZ network. Eco Church NZ is about supporting churches to actively care for God’s earth as an integral part of their mission, and churches benefit from having support from their denominational partners and leaders! That is why we have the Eco Church NZ Denominational Partnerships.
The Eco Church NZ Denominational Partnerships is an initiative to encourage wider denominational bodies’ engagement with and support of Eco Church NZ, and to encourage local churches’ participation in the Eco Church NZ network. We invite you to join us on the Eco Church journey!
“As Christians - the call to love God and love neighbour is interconnected with caring for God’s creation and looking after our common home - the earth. The A Rocha eco-church initiative is an important project to bring together a network of churches seeking to live faithfully to our call as caretakers - kaitaki for all God’s creation.”
It is free to register - but we do ask you and/or your denominational unit to consider giving to A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand to support the project and our ministry in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Registration is a statement of intent - that your denominational unit is concerned about the environment and wants to do something about it. It means your organisation is already on or is beginning the Eco Church journey and wants to encourage local churches to join in too.
Registration also means that your organisation wants to connect with other like-minded organisations to share resources, stories and opportunities with each other and to inspire and spur each other on as kaitiaki of this earth.
Registration gives you access to:
Recognition of your organisation's environmental work and commitment by being able to call your organisation a part of the Eco Church NZ network.
Initiatives organised for Eco Churches NZ such as the A Rocha / Para Kore Zero Waste programme.
Support through the Eco Church NZ network.
Eco Church NZ training and hui.
Step 1 - Get approval from the organisation’s decision-making body
As this a commitment by a denominational body, we need approval from its decision-making body. The Eco Church NZ Relationship Commitments for Denominational Partners document sets out the commitments to each other as we journey together to support churches to care for God’s earth and is a useful document to share with the decision-making body.
Step 2 - Appoint a contact person / team for your organisation
Everybody needs a team - don't go at this alone. Find other eco-champions in your organisation to form a team. Most denominational units already have a person / team responsible for issues of sustainability, stewardship and caring for the environment. The main contact person should be the best person for us to get in contact with at your organisation regarding Eco Church NZ matters.
Step 3 - Complete the Eco Church NZ - Denominational Partner registration form
Complete the online form below.
Step 4 - Send us your organisation’s approved environmental policy and goals
If your organisation is serious about supporting churches to care for the environment, you probably already have or intend to create environmental statement, policy or goals for your organisation / network. When this is available, do send this on to us so that we’re able to support you and your churches to work towards these goals.
What happens next?
We will:
Send you a welcome email to confirm that you are now a part of the Eco Church NZ network.
Add you to the mailing lists you subscribed to.
Add your logo as a denominational partner on the Eco Church NZ Project Partners page.
Share your stories via the Eco Church NZ website and the A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand E-News.
Introduce you to the Eco Church liaison person in your area (if we have appointed someone for your area).
Share what we are learning through the Eco Church NZ website.
Provide opportunities for churches to join others to inspire and learn from each other on this eco church journey.
Some next steps to consider:
Please join the Eco Church NZ group on the A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand Facebook page to connect with individual, churches and other partners also involved in Eco Church NZ.
We encourage churches to use the Eco Church NZ self-assessment worksheet as prompters to help them prioritise which areas to explore on their Eco Church journey. You may want to review the questions to be familiar with the different areas of action. It may also prompt ideas on how to take action at your organisation’s premises too.
Encourage churches to join the Eco Church NZ’s Zero Waste Programme for Churches.
Explore joining Eco Church NZ’s Zero Waste Programme for Churches as a workplace.
Encourage the use of the Rich Living series as small group studies at your churches to get members to reflect on how they live and offers practical steps to make sustainability integral to lives of faith.
Explore Resources by Topic on the Eco Church NZ website - these resources are collated to match the areas of the self-assessment questionnaire.
Read Stories shared by churches and other denominational partners to inspire action and connection.
Consider using any of our listed Speakers at your events.
Share your story with us and send us photos to be featured on the Eco Church NZ website. We would love to hear what you are currently doing or thinking of doing in your denominational unit.
Explore any other ideas for collaborations!