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Exploring waste with Para Kore at Nawton Community Church
We're in the 2024 Season of Creation and on topic last Sunday we "waste"ed time with Para Kore (Zero Waste)... We enjoyed a great visit from Paul Murray who shared great stuff in our service on the problem of what we do with all of our waste, starting with the excess we generate at the outset.
Takapuna Methodist Church and the Puriri Centre on a journey towards sustainability
Takapuna Methodist Church and the Puriri Centre are engaged in a journey towards sustainability that honours the profound interconnectedness between humanity and te taiao (the environment). Our recent "Arotakenga Para | Waste Check" initiative, is a significant step in our commitment to reducing waste and safeguarding our environment as a key element of our spiritual and community practices.
Coffee, cake and conservation
In true Waikato fashion, Saturday morning 23 March was wet. Proper heavens-open sort of rain. Yet that didn’t stop 35 people gathering at Anglican Action Mahi Mihinare to hear from several speakers about conservation and sustainability. Read what attendees have to say about the event...
Refillery supports community development
Two Todman is a community space hosted by Brooklyn Anglicans that includes a chapel, co-working space, community space, and thrift shop. Recently they launched a refillery - a spot where people can come to get top-ups of common household consumables without creating more waste from plastic packaging. The concept came from consultation with their local community on what was missing from the main street and would add value to their neighbourhood.
The Rubbish Trip came to Tawa Anglican Church
A long awaited evening, postponed due to COVID, Tawa Anglican Church finally had the opportunity to host Liam and Hannah from The Rubbish Trip in Nov 2022. Around 40-50 people (both from the church and from the wider community) attended to hear about a huge variety of methods for living without a rubbish bin. An inspiring evening from the dynamic duo who walk-the-talk on their zero waste journey.
“Refuse a rubbish Christmas and a trashy New Year”
Hannah Blumhardt and Liam Prince of The Rubbish Trip presented a talk on how to reduce waste during the Christmas season at Ngaio Union Church recently. Topics discussed included gift giving and gift wrapping, Christmas dinner and table settings, decorations and travel. Read on to explore the tips…
Celebrating the Season of Creation
Season of Creation is celebrated annually all around the world, in different denominations, and many parishes in the Anglican Diocese of Wellington joined in this year. Read about the different ways Season of Creation was celebrated this year around the diocese, including an intergenerational pet celebration service, beach clean-up, eco-theology sermon series, and waste workshop.
Zero waste wānanga at Chartwell Church
Soon after Chartwell Cooperating Church joined the Eco Church whānau, they arranged for Paul Murray from Para Kore to come and share about the Para Kore kaupapa and gave an introductory wānanga about zero waste to the church.
Forming, Norming, Performing: Tawa Anglican's first year as an Eco Church
During 2021 Tawa Anglican Church became an Eco Church, making a corporate statement that we want to actively care for God’s earth as an integral part of our mission. We were pleased to join the Eco Church movement to access support and resources as well as a connection to a network of other Eco Churches throughout Aotearoa. We share with you some of our initial action and longer-term goals.
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- Advocacy 8
- Biodiversity 15
- Calendar of Environmental Days and Events 4
- Carbon Calculators 4
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- Community Engagement 19
- Community Gardens 12
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- Eco Church Action Planner 2
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